academic skills

Academic Skills

Academic Skills- represents as academic pursuits such as learning, research, report writing and presentations.

Academic Skills

Academic skills assist a student to become a more reliable learner. 

There are diverse kinds of academic skills that a student must develop to boost up his confidence,

in his respective academic field. It also helps build up a huge level of competitive advantage,

 that also creates a huge job opportunity.


This portfolio is going to explore the academic skills that have been achieved along with the other skills,

and the process of developing self-confidence in academic performances.

The possible challenges and mitigation procedures are also going to be expressed thoroughly.

Portfolio Contribution 1

Sort of skills that I
have learnt in the past weeks

My first impression

I have learnt a lot of things in the past weeks that incentivizes me to give a huge concentration,

on academic consequences. I have learnt the proper utilization of libraries and diverse kinds of resources that are available online. 

I have gone through sacral electronic resources through surfing the internet after knowing.

Skills Learnt

I have learnt a total of six skills and that are-authentic method of…

Academic essays

A strong academic essay must comprise a single as well as transparent idea and each paragraph,

must contain a clear point that thoroughly supports the topic (Pretz& Kaufman, 2017).

The essay structure must include…

Criteria of Effective academic essay


The structure of a report can be expressed as…

Research and Referencing

I have learnt a detailed process of research as well as referencing

and I also have up taken the process of Harvard, APA, APA (7) and…


Plagiarism reflects the representation of another person’s work or any ideas in their own word with…

Portfolio contribution 2


Reflection defines critical thinking about some…

Effective communication

I can effectively communicate in class through learning top communication skills such as…

Presentation skills

Before this presentation, I had very little knowledge and I hardly presented…

Academic Skills

The presentation went well and the presentation has completed in…


I can use time more effectively with practicing diverse academic skills that also boost my confidence level. I can

Achieving deadlines

I have planned…

Portfolio contribution 3

Strategies to overcome challenges

I can easily mitigate challenges in…

Process of managing time

I will manage my time through…


After evaluation of this assignment, it can be concluded that there is a huge necessity of building…
