The Welfare State
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- Date 10/04/2022
The Welfare State is a type of government in which the government protects and promotes the economic and social well-being of its citizens.
The Welfare State
Welfare State is based on the principles of equal opportunity, equitable wealth distribution, and public responsibility for citizens who cannot afford the bare necessities of life.
Welfare State is a governmental concept that is ideally devoted to providing elementary economic security,
That allows the citizens the necessary protection against unemployment, sickness, and old age within the country.
Through the devoted application of social policy,
the government tries to make sure that every individual within the society is living in a peaceful mind and harmony.
Main body
Outline of the founding principles of the Welfare State that are laid down in the Beveridge Report
The beverage report initially aimed to provide compensation against,
The five phenomenal social evils that could disrupt the integrated social peace and justice within the state.
The notable five social giant evils are
- Disease: caused by the inadequate
distribution of the healthcare service system within the state and society.
- Ignorance: Associated with lack of education
facility among the children in need.
- Want: Associated in providing a
beneficiary allowance to the needy family and poor
- Squalor: Mainly focuses on contemplating
social policies for public housing for shelter.
- Idleness: Related to providing full
employment to bring prosperity to society.
Considering the ultimate focus over the five social evils of injustice the following section
successfully makes up the founding principles of the Welfare state as mentioned in the Beveridge Report (, 2017).
The founding principles of the welfare state are based on the feature of equal distribution of wealth, equal opportunity, and the notion of taking public responsibility.
Through the application of free medical treatment for all in 1948,
the National Health Service of United Kingdom has successfully followed through with
the principle of equal opportunity within the distribution in terms of social health.
For the proposition of equal distribution of wealth within the society,
a national system of benefits was propounded to provide the elementary ‘social security’
to the people as a protection against the ‘cradle to the grave’ phenomenon.
Comparing the founding principles of the Welfare State with a later approach by considering the change in ideology
The founding principles of the Welfare state initially focus on enumerating effective social policies
that will help the society to maintain the required social peace and justice within the state.
Abad and Naharro (2018, p.82) further explained that with the sufficient proposition of equal
distribution of wealth, justice, resources, and opportunities a country can influence a greater progression within its society.
The principles of the Beveridge Report base its premise of welfare on the equal distribution of wealth, opportunity, and public responsibility.
The latest approach of Welfare State
As per the views of Öktem (2020, p.110), the definite welfare state approach can be classified into
four distinctive approaches namely, Institutional, Family centric, Residual perspective, and Mixed Economic approach.
The application of the mixed economic approach is most prevalent as the most desired form of social welfare within the United Kingdom.
Mainly in this model, both public and private servers join forces to help the government to manage a better solution to the welfare policies.
One of the major limitations of this approach is that it requires both public-private associations which might not be possible for various countries.
Comparison between the two approaches
The initial comparison between the two approaches is that the principles of the Beveridge Report
were simply based on the approach of doctrine social policy through public organizations only.
The later application of a mixed economic approach allows the government the advantage of a teamwork collaboration of both public and private organizations.
For example, The German Social Insurance system has successfully provided a forum for
commending cooperation between governments, banks, social administrations, and private entrepreneurs.
Such a proposition not only allowed the government to perform social allies within the private organization,
but also allowed them to have beneficial access to bulk amount of material needs for the social good (Dósa, 2018, p.53).
Moreover, the new approach of the welfare state serves the proposition of voluntary action for the private enterprise to commerce social good for the country.
Notable initiatives and Legislative introduced by successive governments
Based on cumulative resources gathering, the following section successfully denotes some of the notable social;
welfare initiatives and legislative introduced by successive governments of diverse countries.
The ninth Five-year plan (1997-2002) of India is strictly focused on employing people with disability within the society.
The application of the National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) Act
was incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act,
was implemented for promoting economic development, rehabilitation, and self-employment of the people with disabilities in society.
The Rice Subsidy program introduced by the government of the Philippines comes under the National Food Authority (NFA),
which is considered to be one of the long-standing food-oriented social assistance programs directed towards the beneficiary of the poor in the society.
The essay successfully comprises the crucial importance of state welfare within the country
and the way it can help the authoritative government to maintain elementary social peace within the country.
Further along, the essay imposes a brief outline of the principles of the welfare state as mentioned in the Beveridge Report.
With the notable application of the mixed economic approach,
the government can successfully expand its reach towards commencing a better social welfare service for its public.
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